Caster is a bright-eyed fledgling in a caste of enigmatic treasure hunters—the Fyskari. Acutely trained in acrobatics and intensely skilled with a fishing rod, the clan makes a living exploring ruins, finding artifacts, and capturing fish, an increasingly rare commodity in the wastes.
When they come of age, hunters begin working for hire or taking on bounty work, and Caster has recently come into the service of Chef Leurre to do just that.
Caster is a soft-spoken, kind-hearted person, who's short on words and quick to help others. Tackle is like an older brother to him, which naturally comes with a healthy mix of admiration and frustration.

Tackle was raised and trained alongside Caster as far back as either can remember. Seemingly born with a chip on his shoulder, Tackle holds a stern yet playful rivalry with his lighthearted peer.
While equally skilled, Tackle's slacker mindset and prickly attitude leaves him often overshadowed by Caster, for whom he's quick to remind he technically holds seniority over. He's at his most frustrated when he feels he's been shown up, leaping at any opportunity for one-upmanship—if it's easy, anyhow.
Despite everything he says, Tackle is a bleeding heart who begrudgingly wants to do the right thing.
Being the first of the two to come of age, the young Fyskari was quickly hired by Leurre. To his chagrin, Caster was also hired soon afterwards, citing "performance concerns"...

Chef Leurre
Chef Leurre—a name that echoes nearly as far in the wastes as he stands tall.
As an old soul, Leurre rigidly follows the dogma and teachings of an all but forgotten traditionalist culture, long in decline. For most in this starving world, food is a mere survival strategy. However, cooking was once a respected—and even divine—practice, and Leurre regards it with grave sobriety. He wishes to relive the glory of the chefs of old—preparing rare and exotic ingredients and beasts he can merely read about in legends.
An ever-puzzling figure, Leurre opened his new restaurant in a vexing and remote location, but whispers on the wind say that the pilgrimage is well worth the effort for a culinary experience once thought lost to time.
Of where he hails from and where he learned his craft, little is known—other than that he has long traveled with his irritable progeny, Junior.